For the time being, WIP does not consider the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities to be able to disclose principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors of its investments in accordance with the Article 4 of the SFDR or information listed in paragraph 2 of the Article 4.
WIP has made this decision on the basis that the company provides clients with tailored asset management services and for some of the investment strategies it is not possible to conduct detailed due diligence on at least some of the investment targets on the principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors required in SFDR Article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraph a. We continuously monitor the technical possibilities for assessing, measuring, and reporting the main negative effects of investment objects. When WIP assesses that measurements according to the Disclosure Regulation and its technical standards can be made of investment objects with the accuracy required by the rules, WIP will make a new decision to consider the main negative effects. WIP will reevaluate this regularly.
WIP considers the main negative effects in asset management and investment advice in such a way that the customer decides before and during the customer relationship whether products where these effects are considered should be included in the asset management or in the offered recommendation or investments.